Legal inspection of real estate

Let's make the buying process transparent

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Order a ready-made report on Residential Complex

Investing in your own home is a crucial step that needs to be approached carefully. Protect yourself from problematic construction projects, entrust the verification of legality to professionals!


Problematic objects in Kyiv and Kyiv region.


Problematic construction projects in Kyiv


Objects already analyzed

Advocates union «Constructive Lawyers» specializes in construction law and real estate transactions.

13 years of experience. We are among the top 100 law firms in Ukraine.

It is convenient to work with us

We provide the service within the agreed time frame. Work with clients can be carried out both in personal meetings and remotely. The results are documented in writing with explanations of legal and other important nuances.

Responsible approach

The analysis is conducted by a team of qualified real estate lawyers, studying only relevant and reliable information.

With us you save money!

Due diligence of real estate with the help of Constructive Lawyers not only minimize potential risks, but also save your money, time and nerves.

Our services

С нами Вы экономите

Отчуждая квартиру на «вторичном» рынке, клиент без колебаний отдает риэлтору до 5% от стоимости квартиры, при этом последний не изучает юридическую безопасность такого соглашения. Однако, инвестируя в новостройку, покупатели экономят средства на работу квалифицированного юриста для проведения юридического анализа безопасности инвестирования, тем самым ставя под угрозу фактически 100% всего объема вложенных средств. Инвестиции в собственное жилье - ответственный шаг, к которому нужно подходить взвешенно. Оградите себя от проблемных строек, доверьте проверку законности профессионалам!

To order a ready-made report on Residential Complex

Investing in your own housing - is a crucial step that needs to be approached carefully. You can get a quick ready-made report (due diligence) with relevance up to 6 months.

The cost of a ready-made report is 2000 UAH. Terms - up to 2 hours from the time of payment.

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